Blogging Tips for Small Businesses

Blogging for business can be fun and it is a great way to keep fresh, engaging content on your website. These blogging tips will help create fresh content on your website which is excellent for attracting new visitors. As well, Google love companies who put up new, well written, and interesting content.

You may think this is fine and well but what do you blog about and how do you make it sound interesting and engaging? It takes practice as with anything else.

Choose a Topic that is Relevant to Your Business

This may sound like common sense but sometimes when we start blogging we can go off on a tangent. As a person, you have interests outside your business but your site is not the place to blog about them. Keep your topic about aspects of the business you provide. Brainstorm blog ideas. Get into your customer’s shoes and ask yourself what would they like to know? What questions are you often asked?

Your Blog Style

How will you talk about your topic?

Deciding how you are going to talk about your topic is important. You can choose to:

  • Discuss
  • Examine
  • Offer new information
  • Give an over view or opinion
  • Compare or contrast

Keep in mind it must be interesting. If you find yourself bored reading your own blog, so will others. Another one of our blogging tips is to ask yourself what type of  business do you have? Does your business analyse products/services or offer information/advice. This can help you decide in what style you talk about your topics.


Connect with Your Visitors

The words you use are important. Learn to connect with your customers through language. I don’t recommend you slang, text talk, or complicated language. I feel blogs should speak to people NOT down to them. They are the important ones. So, find out what makes them tick. Offer helpful tips and answer questions in your blog posts.

Choose Your Format

Not every post you produce has to be text based. Visual content is easier to digest. You could produce a podcast, a video, an interview, photographs, or infographics.

Structure Your Content

No matter what content you produce structure is crucial. It helps the viewer navigate your content. It also makes content clear and easy to understand. In written content use headings, subheadings, bulleted lists, short sentences, and paragraphs. With video, use intros, transitions, and short pieces of text, music and a conclusion.

Clear and Concise

I believe blogs posts must be simple and clear because people are fed so much information daily. But you might ask ‘what if my topic has a lot of information?’ I suggest breaking up the topic into one or two aspects. Your visitors will love you for easy to understand and memorable information. They will come back for more.

Write for SEO

Writing for SEO is thee most important thing online. A well-written, informative, and engaging blog is no good if no one can find it. Search results are returned to users based on the key words typed into a search engines like Google. So choose key words related to your topic and place them in your content. This helps search engines correctly identify and categorise your information.


Blogging isn’t just writing whatever you want. It is about your customers and what are they looking to know or what they might need to know. Become an information provider and your customers will see you as a thought leader in your field.

I hope these tips on blogging for business help you always have fresh and engaging content on your site.