
Thanks again for joining us on our “Getting ahead of your competitors on Google” webinar, we hope you were able to take something of value from it.

We understand there was a lot of information packed into a short amount of time so, as promised, we’ve created a Resources page. On this page you’ll find links to guides and information on the topics we discussed yesterday as well as other relevant topics.

Below you’ll find links to guides and information on many of the topics discussed.

Would you like a free SEO audit ?

SEO is no walk in the park. There’s a lot to get your head around and as you heard on our webinar there’s lots of moving parts to consider. We want to help get you and your website on track to ranking higher than your competition. So where to start ?

As SEO specialist we can help and the first thing we can do is offer a free audit of your current sites SEO. 

Just fill in the info below and we will get to work producing a detailed audit and report which will point you in the right direction.

A Guide to Keyword Research for SEO

Search engines like Google decide whether or not to rank your website on their results page based primarily off of words and text use on ...
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Google ads

A Simple Guide to Google Ads

What is Google Ads?  Google Ads is a paid online advertising platform. It helps businesses reach consumers worldwide and target these users based on what they’re searching for, ...
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website traffic statistics on laptop

Want to Increase your Website Traffic?

So you’ve invested time, money and a lot of energy into getting your website set up, now how do you get people to visit it?Increased ...
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Reducing Bounce Rate on your Website

Reducing bounce rate on your website means visitors stay for longer Reducing bounce rate on your website is important. Working with marketers and webdesigners help ...
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How to Get Other Websites to Link to Your Website

How to Get Other Websites to Link to Your Website for SEO It is important to for SEO to check the websites that are linking ...
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Is Your Website Mobile Friendly? [Free Tool to Check]

Having a mobile friendly website design is a key. Google pride themselves on providing their users with the best experience possible, and with 63% of ...
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