5 Tips for Posting on Facebook

What to consider when posting on Facebook

We all know how posting on Facebook works but when it is for your business, it is best to do it wisely. As mentioned in our other blog posts regarding social media, think about what it is you are going to say and why you are saying it.

Social media marketing is about 2 things:

  1. Becoming a reliable source of interesting information relevant to your community
  2. Capturing your audience through clever posting – lead generation

So, in order to do these two things well, you must know how to post on Facebook cleverly. And so, we have 5 tips for you.

  1. Make a Plan

Whether you are posting for your own business or for someone else’s you must decide how much time to allot to social media marketing. Consider it part of your working day. It is important promotional work for your business. Plan out your time and decide how often you are going to post. It is about balance. Posting twice a day on Facebook is considered too frequent for most followers. Posting too little and you can loose followers.

  1. Timing is Everything

This is vital. The average post lifetime for individual pages is approximately 3 hours, while other pages experienced post lifetimes less than 15 minutes. Your post will have a longer lifetime if it is interacted with – liked, shared, or pinned. So, again it is best to post on Facebook with engaging material relevant to your community at the right time.

  1. Keep it Interesting

Write for skim readers. Users are saturated with information and are unlikely to read long posts.

A study by the National Center for Biotechnology Information found that people have an attention span of 8 seconds, which is 1 second less than that of a goldfish.

Depending on your message, an image with minimal text (remember the 20% rule Facebook applies to paid ads) is considered far more effective than a post made of just text.

  1. Customise Republish Posts

You are republishing when sharing posts from another source on your Facebook page. It is recommended to rewrite the description, why? Posts can now be returned in Google search results. So, if you write your own description, you can add keywords related to your business. When, that republished post is found in search results, users will be taken to your Facebook page.

posting on Facebook
Republishing a Post
  1. Call to Action

Remember, posting on Facebook alone, does not generate sales. Facebook posting is about capturing an audience and generating leads. To encourage your Facebook followers to visit your website use a call to action. For example, if you have a blog, it would be a good idea to post about your new blog post on Facebook. You simply add the link to the blog post. Or, if you have a competition running on your website, inform your followers on Facebook to check it out using a link.


Creating a post on Facebook take a little consideration and planning. I hope the 5 tips will help your posting on Facebook to get more results for your business.