Twitter Followers for Business Marketing Success

Twitter Followers

#This and @that: What are Twitter followers going to do for my business?

When it comes to Twitter, many people are still not convinced that it will work for their business It seems to be an alien idea that your Twitter followers will increase your marketing efforts. But when used effectively, Twitter with its simple 280 characters generates amazing results. How?

Twitter Marketing is an art, not a science

Twitter is a micro blogging network. It allows its users to express themselves in no more than 280 characters. You might think, what can I say in 280 characters? If you can master saying what you need to say in 280 characters, believe me, people will follow. Plus, Twitter allows you to add video, photos, and links to your Tweets.

Customers are moving more and more to the Internet to find what they are looking for and businesses are doing the same. With studies showing Twitter is the platform of choice for customer service related enquiries. Can you really afford to not connect with your customers? Think about it for a second; is it really a bad thing? The Internet it one of the most powerful marketing tools out there. Okay, social media can be tricky, but once you find your feet, it pays off.

DUCT Tape Marketing founder John Jantsch, observed 3 big advantages of using Twitter

1. I get great insight when I ask questions, 2. let’s face it, I get traffic and 3. people on Twitter spread my thoughts to new places.”

Online marketers know how to harness the power of the Internet and social media to build their business. As with Facebook, when a business whether big and small is using Twitter, they plan what they are going to say and when is the best time to say it.

Using Twitter

  • Listen to your customers
  • Share your relevant / useful messages
  • Allow people to share your message

Jack Dorsey (Chief Executive of Twitter) on twitter:

“It’s the fastest and best way to get feedback on what we’re doing, how we’re doing it, and what we should do next, both from users and my co-workers. Speaking to the latter point, Twitter makes our company feel smaller and more cohesive. There is something to be said about sharing the small details of your life with those you work with daily.”

How and why the top businessmen and women around the world use Twitter:

  • Twitter gets news out about your company
  • Company announcements or casual information can be shared
  • You can quickly reach people
  • Insight into your company’s personality & the culture you have honed is evident
  • You can ask for comments and suggestions from your customers
  • Network with peer professionals
  • Launch new products & services
  • Use Twitter as a press release system to interact with users & fans
  • Discussions break out on Twitter which can end up trending
  • Increased traffic to your website and other online social media
  • Your business has more of a friendly and approachable face, removing the commonly used cold and distant corporate feeling customers had come to expect
  • You can sell directly to your followers
  • Your followers become the seeds for more sales
  • Your sharing is sharable by everyone
  • Far reaching sales and reputation
  • You can start trends

So, twitter with its simple 280 characters, famous hash tag # turning simple words into words of importance and the beautiful @ symbol allowing you to contact and comment directly to those you wish to reach gets your followers and a likeableness.

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