
Thanks again for joining us on our social media webinar, we hope you were able to take something of value from it.

Below you’ll find links to guides and information on many of the topics discussed in our
Facebook 101: How to reach new customers

We understand there was a lot of information packed into a short amount of time so, as promised, we’ve created a Resources page. On this page you’ll find links to guides and information on the topics we discussed yesterday as well as other relevant topics.

Work with us

Social media is one of the most effective ways of communicating and engaging with your customers and potential customers. However, it can be a mine field and takes time to figure out and implement successfully

To speak with us and learn how we can assist you with your social media marketing book in for a discovery call and we’ll take it from there.


Video marketing

5 Video Content Ideas to Help Improve Your Marketing

With 85% of consumers wanting to see more video content from brands it’s no surprise that 81% of businesses use video in their marketing. If ...
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target audience pie chart on laptop

You Can’t Target Everyone: How to Define a Target Audience

What is a target audience? A target audience is a group of people who are most likely to be interested in a company’s products or ...
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“I’m currently working on my new website and I want to run a marketing campaign when it’s ready to launch. Can you advise on a BUDGET I need to set aside/expect?”

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The 3 things you need in order to make quality marketing videos on your phone (spend under €100)

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Is Online Advertising Worth Your Money?

Online advertising is easy and effective and there are so many different options available for you. There’s Social Media Ads, such as Facebook or Instagram, ...
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