How to Get Other Websites to Link to Your Website

How to Get Other Websites to Link to Your Website for SEO

It is important to for SEO to check the websites that are linking to yours. It is very important to know how to get other websites to link to your website to boost SEO.

Quality Links

The quality of your backlinks affects your SEO ranking. For example, spam sites linking to your website are not good for your SEO ranking.

As in a previous blog post entitled ‘Linking to Improve Your SEO’, I spoke about linking and how linking influences your SEO. In this post, I am going to talk about attracting backlinks from quality related sites.

Remember, you want links from the same or related field of work that you do that are respected authorities. There is little point having sites linking to your site that have no relevance to the work you do.

Check Your Site for Inbound Links

Your website is the central online representation for your business. For this reason, I recommend checking both internal and external links. Moz Pro offers a free link checker called Open Site Explorer, which displays a list of all sites linking to your own.

Now you cannot stop people linking to your site but you can check the quality of the links. If numerous spam sites link to your site it will loose its Google ranking – negative SEO (which I will talk about in the next post).

Tips to Attract More Quality Backlinks

Since you are not in full control of who links to your site, focus on creating awesome quality content. Sites of similar fields like to link to quality content.

Statistical Data and Research

Quicksprout discovered that 283% more backlinks are attracted to stats and informational facts than standard blog posts.

Linking to Influencers

It is a good idea to link to influencers in your field. For example: if you are a bakery it might be a clever idea to link to the ‘Great Irish Bake off’ or Ballymalone Cooking School. As we are a design and marketing agency we encourage links from related influencer e.g. the Institute of Designers Ireland.

Good Design

It is one thing to have great content but I think it’s even better if you can show it off. If someone finds your post online but it isn’t visually appealing they will leave it as quick at they found it. 50% of people stay on a site that is easy to navigate, read and looks attractive.

Let Your Personality Shine

To stand out from the crowd it is a good idea to let your or your company’s personality show. Let your customer know who you are. Let them see you are approachable and knowledge. Not everything informational has to be boring. It is how you share you information that is important.


Take some time to find out your backlink status and see out who is linking to your site. Improve your links with the tips above to attract quality links from influencers in your field of expertise.

Remember your site it a reflection of what your business can do and who you are. It is worth providing customers with a site that is easy to get around, nice to look at, hosts’ accurate useful information and is popular with people who know their stuff.

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