Social Media….What’s the Point?
Social Media For Your Business Do you use social media as part of your marketing activities for your business, or do you even see the point of it? Maybe your business doesn’t operate in the online realm. Did you know that Ireland ranks 9th in the EU when it comes to online shopping and 90% […]
Facebook Marketing Mistakes to Avoid
6 Common Facebook Marketing Mistakes Facebook should be a tool your company uses to strengthen brand awareness and build effective marketing campaigns. I will discuss some Facebook marketing mistakes that small business need to avoid. Facebook is the first social network to surpass 1 billion registered accounts and currently sits at 2.23 billion monthly active […]
Digital Marketing Tactics That You Need to Know
Do you need to increase your visibility online? Do you feel your business needs help with becoming more competitive? Or do you just want to increase leads and your bottom-line? Then you need to know 5 digital marketing tactics that will work for you. Here are 5 digital marketing tactics you need to know about. When used […]
To Hashtag or Not to Hashtag?
Hashtag #101 Once predominantly used on Twitter for users to join conversations, the hashtag has sky rocketed into all aspects of social media. The power of the hashtag has grown so much in recent years. It helps brands to connect with users, sparking valuable conversations and interactions. Making them a key part of any Digital […]
A Guide to LinkedIn for Small Businesses
LinkedIn for Small Businesses With more than 562 million users, LinkedIn is all about making those powerful connections with other users. Unlike other social media such as Facebook and Twitter, LinkedIn is aimed at qualified professionals from all walks of life, displaying their qualifications and linking with other professionals from all over the world. It […]
Twitter Followers for Business Marketing Success
#This and @that: What are Twitter followers going to do for my business? When it comes to Twitter, many people are still not convinced that it will work for their business It seems to be an alien idea that your Twitter followers will increase your marketing efforts. But when used effectively, Twitter with its simple […]
Hello world!
Welcome to WordPress. This is your first post. Edit or delete it, then start writing!
Landing Pages: What you should know
What is a Landing page? A landing page is a distinct page on your website built for one single conversion objective. This means that your landing page should have no global navigation to tie it to your primary website. The main reason for this is to limit the options available to your visitors, helping to […]
Brand awareness: The Power of Video Marketing
Brand awareness and Video. Is it time to use a fresh approach to push your business out there? Do people know who you are and what you do? It is difficult for any small or medium sized business to compete with big budget companies when it comes to branding. But, I do not believe that […]
Interactive Content: What is it and How Can it Help Your Business
Content is the life of any marketing and advertising communication. Content can be written such as blogs or posts, visual such as videos, printed material, or auditory such as podcasts. Now content has evolved to become interactive. Interactive content allows customers to consume content through interaction. Companies have the opportunity to boost brand awareness using […]
Everything You Need to Know About Native Advertising
Native Advertising, the seamless advertising experience Native Advertising is a form of paid media which appears as part of the actual visual content design. Many advertising experts like David Ogilvy believe advertising should be seamless and integrated into platforms consumers frequently use. Native advertising aims to create a seamless experience for the user. Users don’t […]
Reducing Bounce Rate on your Website
Reducing bounce rate on your website means visitors stay for longer Reducing bounce rate on your website is important. Working with marketers and webdesigners help analyse and devise a plan to make improvements to reduce bounce rate. Bounce rate on a website, broadly is the measurement of a visitor’s interactivity on your site or page. […]