Are Facebook Ads Worth Paying for?

Facebook Ads for business, the answer is YES.

Facebook know a lot about their users. They have the market research and you are simply paying to apply this information to target your ads more effectively. Facebook Ads are a relatively inexpensive way of advertising and yield a high return on investment when setup correctly.

This is great news for marketers and business owners who want their posts and ads to be seen by existing and potential customers.

Now that I have told you Facebook Ads are worth paying for, you might be wondering how to set them up, the cost and so on. Okay, let’s go through some of the basic questions you may have.

How do I set up and Facebook Ad?

Creating ads demand planning and creativity to decide what it is you wish to advertise or inform customers about. It’s very hard to score without a goal. Ads are set up in the Ads Manager on your Facebook business page.

There are a variety of types of Ads you can choose from depending on your objective.

Types of Ad Campaigns

Are Facebook Ads Worth Paying for?


Are they expensive?

Facebook allows you full control over your budget for Ad Campaigns.

You can set a daily or lifetime budget for your Facebook Ads. Facebook will not go over the amount allotted when you set up your ad. BUT be aware that your daily budget resets at midnight each day.

For lifetime budget, Facebook will run your advert continuously until your budget amount is reached or your advert end date arrives.

How do I know my ad is working?

Measuring performance is key in social media marketing. No one wants to pour money into an ad campaign that is yielding little or no return on investment. You can check your ads effectiveness in Facebook’s Ads Manager. Facebook does all the analysis, so you can see what clicks and reactions your ads have been receiving.

How long should I run an Ad for?

Again, you decide this. Most ads you create will have a shelf life. They will be created for a purpose, for example, a promotional advert may only run for a week.

In conclusion

Are Facebook Ads worth paying for? Yes. They are affordable, easy to create, allow you to target your ideal customer and you can monitor your return on investment. Facebook advertising is affordable and when done correctly  yields a high return on investment.