A Guide to Keyword Research for SEO

Search engines like Google decide whether or not to rank your website on their results page based primarily off of words and text use on your site.   The aim of keyword research is to find out what your audience is searching for and what words or phrases they use to search for these topics. You […]

Should Businesses Use Pop Up Banners to Advertise?

pop up banners

Pop up banners, also known as roll-up or pull-up banners, are one of the most effective and reliable tools for companies to promote their brand, products and service. These fantastic marketing tools have withstood the test of time simply because of their easy set up and budget-friendly price. You never get a second chance to […]

How To Set SMART Social Media Campaign Goals

Setting SMART social media goals is a great way to significantly improve your campaign and the likelihood that you will actually achieve what you set out to do.   They help you to be realistic about your goals and give you direction to follow. When setting social media campaign goals, it’s important to try follow the SMART goals framework.   SMART […]

The Difference Between Inbound and Outbound Marketing

The two most common marketing strategies are inbound and outbound marketing, also known as new and old marketing, respectively. In this blog we’ll take a look at both inbound and outbound marketing and the advantages and challenges of each strategy.   Inbound Marketing   Inbound marketing is a strategy that utilizes many forms of pull marketing, for example; content […]

A Beginners Guide to Successful B2B Marketing

What is B2B Marketing?  B2B Marketing, or business to business marketing, is exactly what it sounds like. It’s marketing your product or service to another business. However, it’s important to remember that even if you are supplying a product or service for other businesses, at the end of the day it’s a person you’re dealing […]

Instagram for Small Businesses: How to Get More Followers


Are you trying to get more followers on Instagram?  Whether you’re new to using Instagram for your business or you’ve been on it for some time now, there are several ways to grow your Instagram following.  With its high popularity and always evolving business features, Instagram is a great, but competitive, platform for brands. Users on the app […]

How to Set up a Facebook Business Page [2021]

Facebook business page

Having a Facebook Business page is a great way to reach new customers, engage with your current ones, show off your brand’s personality, and so much more. This step-by-step guide will show you exactly how to set up your page from start to finish.   One of the most common questions people have when they first decide to […]

Are Business Cards a Thing of The Past?

Business cards

Ever since COVID-19 introduced worldwide lockdowns, more and more business networks have been established and maintained through LinkedIn and Zoom. Networking events have gone digital. With these digital communication tools, an obvious networking question arises: Are business cards still relevant in 2021?   The answer to this question may surprise you. Even in our virtually-driven society […]

Harnessing the Power of Video Marketing in 2024

video marketing

In today’s digital age, video marketing has become an essential tool for businesses aiming to promote their products, build brand awareness, drive sales, and reach new audiences. But what exactly is video marketing? Simply put, it involves creating and sharing videos that highlight your company’s offerings and values. The Impact of Video Marketing Video marketing […]

The Secret to More Sales: Lead Generation

What is Lead Generation?  Before we look at what lead generation is we first need to understand what exactly a lead is.  A lead is a person or business who shows interest in your product or service.  This interest in your company is expressed through the sharing of contact information, such as a phone number, email address, […]

Reasons to Invest in Professional Logo Design

professional logo design

Investing in a professional logo design will benefit you in the long-run by avoiding any future redesigns and improving your overall brand. Good logos convey what a brand is, but the great logos last throughout the years – experienced designers know that. There may be alterations made here and there, but the elements remain the same. Making […]

What is a View?

Today’s question is taken from an interview I did recently with Ronan Berry on Midlands 103, and Ronan’s question was … … One thing Darren when it comes though to like a view of your post, what do these platforms like? What do they regard as a view? Because I’ve, I’ve a funny feeling that’s […]